Sunday, April 13, 2008

Travel to Spain

I had this opportunity to visit Norway while I was working in Norway. I would like to share my experiences and some tips that can be helpful to anyone planning to go to Spain.
When I talk of any tour, the first thing that comes to anyone's mind will be the expenses that will occur for such a trip. However, If you are in Europe and planning to visit any other country within European Union and also want to save your traveling time, the best option is always to book cheap air tickets in advance. You may find many such cheap airlines operating, but I always preferred traveling on RYAN AIR mainly for the following reasons:
1. Time bounded service
2. Cheaper if you plan and book tickets earlier
3. Pretty comfortable journey
4. Connectivity to many important cities

So, if you can plan and book tickets on any such cheaper flights, your major traveling costs are reduced.


Next, on reaching any city like Barcelona, the immediate thing that you will be willing to do is to find an hotel where you could dump your luggages. I was able to find a cheaper alternative for this one too. I found this so called Hostels which provided me with bed and also breakfast in the morning time. Though you need to share your room with many other people, definitely I feel this is can give you an opportunity for getting to know new people. I found a similar hostel in La Rambla in Barcelona called The Sun and Moon Hostel. It cost me 60 Euros per night (including the breakfast next morning), while any other 2 star hotel too could have cost me atleast 100 Euros per night.

The next thing to look around this city is to use the public transport of that city. The best opportunity according to me using it is to get 1/2/3 days pass. Then, you will have this advantages of using any of the following means of transport:
1. Tram
2. Buses
4. Short Travel Trains

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