Sunday, April 13, 2008

Travel to Norway

I had this opportunity to travel to Norway from India and work there for sometime.
I would like to share my experiences during my travel, during my stay and other general matters that would be of interest to anyone who is traveling to this place or to anyone who wants to know more about this place.
Let me first start of with the currency. Norway has its own currency and doesn't use the standard European currency Euros which is commonly used in any other place. The currency here is called Norwegian Kroner (NOKS).
Typically, 1 NOK = Rs. 7.50 or 1 USD = 5 NOKS. Make sure that you are carrying enough local Norwegian currency while entering Norway as this is the only currency that is valid here. However, it is still possible to use your Master/VISA credit cards in almost all shops or restaurants here in Norway.

The best time to visit this place is during winter, that is sometime in between November and March. This is the best time to be in Norway and enjoy the snowfall and if you are someone who is very much interested in outdoor sports and loves trying out something new, then you got to be here at this time to try out skiing.
Well, there might be many skiing places in Norway, but I had an opportunity to visit this one place called Gautefalls. Its about 2 hours journey from Arendal (a place where I lived) and was the closest one for me. This place is located in south-west Telemark and is opened for skiing for around 2-3 months in an year depending on the weather. But if you are lucky enough, it might even be opened for longer duration too. This is one place thats worth visiting when you are in south of Norway.
You can have a look at the live streaming of this skiing location and many other details using the following link:

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